Do You Trust Your Dentist?
I’ve practiced dentistry in Charlotte since 1998, and this question keeps popping up. I even addressed the topic directly before: Whom Do You Trust? Why? Do You Trust Your Dentist? The newest attack on dentistry & trust in our profession comes in an article in The Atlantic: “The Truth about Dentistry.” Is there some truth […]
Repairing a Broken Dental Bridge
If you have a dental bridge and some of the porcelain has broken off in a place visible in your smile, the bridge usually has to be replaced. Sometimes however, the bridge can be repaired with a creative and nifty technique called an “overcrown.” This isn’t always an option, but when it is, it’s a […]
2018: A Year of Reading, Not Writing
From 2008 until 2017, I wrote (and have rewritten when appropriate) nearly 230 blog posts and 50 pages for our practice website, which I’d never expected would happen when I started writing a decade ago. At first, I did it out of necessity and not pleasure, but I discovered that I actually enjoyed it. However, […]
World-Class Periodontal Surgery Training in Brazil
Have you ever experienced something that completely changed your beliefs about your own skills and knowledge? No, not getting married or having kids, although those probably qualify for most people. I’m talking about running a marathon or performing on a big stage for the first time – you suddenly realize you’re capable of so much […]
In Defense of Science & Reason
I’ve generally avoided politics on our website, but on Friday, December 15, the Washington Post reported one of the most horrifying & terrifying items to yet emerge from the Trump Administration, and I can no longer be silent. I believe that the very foundation of our nation is under deliberate attack, and every opportunity must be […]
Facts & Myths about TMD, TMJ, & Orofacial Pain
In dentistry as in medicine, you’ll find doctors on every side of contentious issues: is the mercury in amalgam dental fillings safe or not? (Yes, the science is clear that it’s safe). Is fluoride beneficial or dangerous? (Again, the science is solidly on the side of safety and efficacy). While dentists argue about which bonding […]