Everyday Family Dentistry in Charlotte
As much as I like talking about some of the more “exotic” technologies that we have in our Charlotte dental office, such as Laser Dentistry, Cosmetic Dentistry, Six Month Braces, etc., our daily schedule is filled with what dentists usually call “Bread-and-Butter” dentistry. Things like the cases shown below, and as always – these are […]
Digital Dentistry is Awesome!
Truly, the wave of the future in dentistry is DIGITAL, and not just in computers in the rooms. Digital dentistry is expanding into every aspect of modern dental care, and I love being part of it! Here’s just one example from this week: Digital Dental Impressions – NO GOO and Much Faster When you need […]
We Make Beautiful Dentures
As much as our goal is to help people keep their teeth healthy for their lifetimes, sometimes it’s just not workable. Sometimes too many teeth have too big cavities to make them work fixing, sometimes the periodontal disease is too bad even for LANAP to fix, sometimes it’s just too expensive, and sometimes, people just […]
Can Cavities Be Cured?
I’ve seen a lot of posts and articles recently about whether or not dental cavities can be “cured,” with various holistic dentistry advocates pushing alleged cures such as colloidal silver, coconut oil, and some other stuff. We don’t see many people in our practice with these questions, but since it’s out there, I think it […]
OMG – I’m Dying!
OK, no worries everyone – the title was just to grab your attention, but there is also some truth to it, isn’t there? From the moment we’re born until the moment we die, we are both growing and dying all the time. Bear with me as I wax a little philosophical in today’s blog post, […]
Gum Disease is the Hulk, LANAP is Chuck Norris
My friend and dentist/blogging colleague of Saginaw, MI, Dr. Alan Mead wrote an article early in 2013 in which he compared Gum Disease to the Hulk. It’s really a cool article, which I recommend you read in full, but I’ll paraphrase it here: Gum disease is caused by a combination of bad bacteria, poor dental […]