Cosmetic Dentistry: Invisalign and a Dental Implant
In cosmetic dentistry, matching a single front crown or veneer to the natural teeth around it is considered the single most difficult cosmetic challenge there is. And when that crown is on a dental implant, it’s even harder. This is when you want a dentist with lots of experience to put together the right plan […]
Do You Need a Crown on a Cracked Tooth?
We recently had a new patient see us with no tooth complaints, she just needed a check up and wanted to discuss her headaches to see if we could help. During her exam, I noticed that several of her molars were severely worn down (which she already knew about) and had cracks visible. We didn’t […]
How to Reduce or Prevent Tooth Cavities
As a follow-up to my recent blockbuster article (viewed nearly 3,000 times just in Feb. 2014 in 50 countries around the world – WOW!), Can Cavities be Cured, I’d like to talk about how you can decrease your risk of getting cavities, since I think we can all agree (holistics and conventional medicine followers alike) […]
Treating Severe Migraines is So Satisfying
While it’s not a huge part of our Charlotte family dental practice, treating migraine sufferers is one of the most satisfying things we do, especially when those patients have seen multiple medical specialists, had every scan known to medicine, tried every current and experimental medication…without any relief. This is the story of one of our […]
Do Teeth With Root Canals Need Crowns?
In “traditional” dentistry, the back teeth (premolars and molars) almost always need crowns to hold them together after a root canal, but for front teeth it all depends on how big the cavity was; since many front teeth still have a lot of healthy tooth left after the root canal, a crown is often not […]
Do Dental Cavities Always Hurt?
One of the most common questions we hear, when we first have to give a patient the bad news that they have 1 or more cavities is, “But doc, how come it doesn’t hurt?” It’s a common misconception that a cavity will always give you a toothache. Cavities Don’t Hurt Until It’s BAD Today yielded another […]