Let’s face it – NO ONE likes getting dental work done. After nearly 15 years of being a dentist, I promise – I’ve heard every reason there is, but it usually comes down to 1 of 3 things:
- Time
- Fear
- Money
So what if your dentist uses some technology that can decrease at least two of those? How about if the 2 that this technology decreased were TIME and MONEY? Think you would like to know more? ……………………………….. Hmmmmmmm, yeah, I thought you would! So what is this technology?
The Least Invasive Yet Most Precise Tool a Dentist Can Use
What is it? It’s a Dental Operating Microscope, or DOM for short. It’s exactly what it says – a microscope used by dentists, obviously to see at very high levels of magnification. And why is this good? For several very simple, but very good reasons, including the following:
- Teeth are pretty small, so it’s not easy to see and work on them in the first place;
- Cracks in teeth and cavities can be super small, but if they penetrate deeply enough into the tooth, they can cause terrible pain;
- Seeing at high magnification helps a dentist find problems earlier rather than later
- High magnification means a dentist can remove exactly the right amount, no more and no less – it’s less invasive!
- Bright light – the mouth is a dark place, but the bright light and clear vision help a dentist with a scope see extreme detail in every dark corner of your mouth.
Teeth are Really Small and Hard to Work On
Just take a look at these photos, which are in order from least magnification to the highest, and imagine your dentist fixing your tooth if he’s looking at it each way. I promise, these photos have not been “photoshopped” in any way except (1) removed a little blood to not gross anyone out, and (2) brightened up the last one just a little bit to be easier to see, and that’s it.
- Looking at teeth with the naked eye
- Teeth at very low magnification
- How teeth look at low magnification
- How teeth look at medium magnification
- How teeth look at high magnification
- How teeth look at VERY high magnification!
How Many Dentists Use a Dental Microscope?
So now you’re probably thinking, “No way I want a dentist who can work on my teeth unless s/he can see that well!” Unfortunately, only about 8% of family dentists have adopted this amazing dental technology. But if you’re looking for a Charlotte area family dentist who uses a dental microscope for pretty much everything, you’re in luck! 😀
Here at Smiles by Payet Dentistry, we’ve been using microscopes to treat our patients for almost 4 years, and recently invested in 2 brand new microscopes, built by Leica, a brand famous for the scopes it makes for neurosurgeons, but now available for dentists, too.
Dental Microscopes Help a Dentist Catch Problems Early
Here’s the simple take-home message for why you want a dentist who uses a dental microscope:
- A microscope helps your dentist find problems EARLY, when they’re SMALL
- SMALL dental problems are EASIER, CHEAPER, and FASTER to fix than big dental problems.
What’s not to like!?
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We’ll look forward to meeting you soon!